..:: Bible Mysteries::..

Titlu Original: Bible Mysteries (Misterele Bibliei)
Anul: 2004

Descriere: Film documentar ce incearca sa desluseasca uimitoarele mistere ale Bibliei, cuprinde o serie de 9 episoade in care sunt relatate, dezbatute intamplari stiute sau nestiute din viata lui Isuss.

Episoade: Who Killed Jesus, Joshua and the Battle of Jericho, Joseph and his Multicoloured Coat,The Real Mary Magdalene, David and Goliath,Herod and the Bethlehem Massacre,The Disciples, Revelation - The End of the World, Peter the Rock.


BBC - Bible Mysteries - Who Killed Jesus


BBC - Bible Mysteries - Joshua and the Battle of Jericho


BBC - Bible Mysteries - Joseph and his Multicoloured Coat


BBC - Bible Mysteries - The Real Mary Magdalene


BBC - Bible Mysteries - David and Goliath


BBC - Bible Mysteries - Herod and the Bethlehem Massacre


BBC - Bible Mysteries - The Disciples


BBC - Bible Mysteries - The End of the World


BBC - Bible Mysteries - Peter the Rock





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